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All About Women & Vision

Did you know that March may as well be women’s month? Not only is it officially designated as Women’s History Month, but March 8th is also International Women's Day. In honor of females everywhere, we’re taking the time today to look into women and vision. Here are some of the most common vision problems among this demographic:


Since women tend to live longer than men, generally speaking, they also face higher risk of age-related conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration (see below). Studies have shown that there’s “no firm evidence that lifestyle-related factors are the cause of this gender discrepancy,” and have therefore prompted further research into the role of estrogen in cataract formation.

Macular Degeneration

While “the greatest risk factor for macular degeneration is being age 60 or older, women are at slightly greater risk than are men for developing macular degeneration.” Again, since women often have longer lifespans than men, this could be why they’re more likely to develop this age-related disease.

Dry Eye

Did you know that normal, age-related hormonal changes may also affect women’s eyes? Dry eye is one more condition that is more common in women than men, due in part to hormonal changes caused by aging. Although uncomfortable, there are fortunately many treatment options for dry eyes.

Scheduling An Annual Eye Exam

Women may be natural caregivers, going to great lengths to take care of their partners, children, family members and friends - and sometimes letting their own health take a backseat. But no matter how many people you care for, women must prioritize their own health.

To that end, make sure you’re scheduling an annual eye exam, including dilation, as recommended by your doctor. Eat a healthy diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, maintain a healthy weight and don’t smoke. Your vision and eye health are worth it.

Schedule a comprehensive eye exam today!