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Inspiring LASIK Success Stories from Phoenix Patients

If you’re interested in LASIK, but not quite ready to make the decision, you might have some lingering questions. As you search for the best LASIK surgeons, it can be helpful to learn about LASIK success stories. Here are some real LASIK reviews from Horizon patients, so you can hear about the benefits straight from those who have already gone down this road.

Inspiring LASIK Success Stories from Phoenix Patients

Fast Healing & Freedom

“About three months ago, I changed my life for the better! I ended up getting LASIK surgery with one of the best, Dr. Cason. It was a very quick healing experience, and it was very painless. It’s a free feeling now, knowing I don’t have to get up and put my glasses on in the morning to see, and I can watch TV from my bed! I would definitely do it again.”

Back To Being Active

“I’ve been wearing glasses since I was in 4th grade, and I never got to experience life as everyone else did; I always had to carry my glasses around or my prescription sunglasses to see. I had LASIK, and it was life-changing for me. Before surgery, I couldn’t even see my shampoo bottle without my glasses, or my contacts would fall out when I went to the pool. Now I’m able to enjoy yoga with my friends, I’m able to go swimming and see underwater. I really love having LASIK because now I can see the world with complete clarity. It’s pretty amazing!”

Less Stress & Great Convenience

“I would say the best thing about having LASIK would be to never have to rely on glasses or contact lenses anymore. I can go anywhere and not have to think about losing my glasses, I don’t have to clean them constantly, and I don’t have to worry about my contact lenses falling out of my eyes. After having LASIK now, I can’t imagine ever wearing glasses or contacts all the time again. Ultimately, it’s a convenience thing. It’s really nice to be able to see without having to use anything at all!”

Remarkable Experience & Dramatic Life Changes

 “I’ve worn glasses and contact lenses for about 15 years. I first wanted to get LASIK after a camping trip experience where I forgot to pack my contact lenses and glasses; I went the entire trip without any type of corrective lens, which made it a not-so-fun trip! When I went for my LASIK evaluation, I met Dr. Duncan, and he answered all my questions. My experience with LASIK surgery was remarkable: I was able to see almost immediately afterward, and the entire procedure was painless. I would definitely recommend it to anybody. My life has changed drastically after LASIK; I wake up and can instantly see, I don’t have to reach for anything to help me see clearly, so I can just wake up, put on a pot of coffee, and get started with my day.”


Why Phoenix Patients Choose LASIK at Horizon Laser Vision

 If you’ve been on the fence about making the decision, we hope these LASIK success stories have helped you see all the beauty on the other side of the procedure. Consider this your sign to book your consultation with one of the best LASIK surgeons today!