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10 Subtle Signs You Need an Eye Exam

Many people schedule their dental and dermatology appointments like clockwork, and are quick to see a general physician when they experience pain or unusual symptoms. But the same regularity doesn’t always seem to be top of mind when it comes to seeing the eye doctor. Unless you’re out of contacts or need a new eyeglass prescription, you might dismiss your troubling eye symptoms or think that you can postpone your eye exam. While sometimes you can, other times a delay could adversely affect your vision (and health). To help you know when to get your eyes examined, here’s a list of symptoms that may seem minor, but should not go ignored.

1.     Blurred vision when looking at people or objects.

Occasionally, anyone might experience a little bit of haziness in their vision. But there’s a difference between slight fuzziness that lasts for a moment and truly blurred vision. If you can’t see clearly when you look at people or objects, it’s time to make an eye appointment.

2.     Difficulty seeing at night.

Nighttime is notorious for making your eyes work harder, but that doesn’t mean that discomfort is normal. If you struggle to see at night, or feel undue strain on your eyes as the day grows darker, see your doctor.

3.     Trouble adjusting from dark to light.

Lighting transitions can be difficult on your eyes. And if it seems that your vision doesn’t adapt as it goes from dark to light, this could be indicative of a vision problem or even a lurking disease.

4.     Difficulty at the computer at home or at work.

Many people spend their days (and even nights) working on their computers. If you notice that you aren’t reading quite as clearly on the screen as you did before, this could mean that something in your eyesight is going awry. Make sure to get it checked out by your doctor.

5.     Eye strain or fatigue.

Have you ever read something up close and then shifted your eyes to look at something else far away? When you repeat this action a few times, you might notice that your eyes begin to feel very tired. Eye fatigue in this scenario is normal, but if you observe that your eyes feel overly taxed just from performing their normal daily activities, your eye doctor will need to know.

6.     Frequent headaches.

Perhaps the only thing worse than experiencing a bad headache is experiencing these headaches on a regular basis. If you’ve been dealing with this issue, it could be your body’s way of revealing some negative eye symptoms that speak to bigger problems.

7.     Double vision.

Double vision is what it sounds like; a problem in which you see two of what is before you. You might also have blurred vision, which often accompanies double vision. Either way, seeing double is a good reason to get an eye exam.

8.     Wavy vision.

Wavy vision is how optometrists describe eye symptoms in which you see waves or zig-zag lines surrounding an object or person. This could be a sign of macular degeneration, so you don’t want to delay in getting an eye appointment scheduled.

9.     Seeing halos.

If you see a bright circle of light surrounding light sources, you are seeing halos. This could be indicative of cataracts, which are the leading cause of blindness. If caught early, they usually can be treated quickly, so it’s in your best interest to get to the eye doctor quickly.

10.  Eye pressure.

One of the most often ignored eye symptoms that people experience is pressure in the eyes. It’s somewhat easy to disregard, since it doesn’t seem like it could be much of a problem. However, eye pressure can signal glaucoma or ocular hypertension. This is another symptom that should not be overlooked.

If you’ve experienced one – or many – of these symptoms, it’s time to schedule your next eye exam. When it comes to your eyesight, regular exams and thorough testing are the keys to prevention of disease and vision loss. Please contact us today with any questions or to schedule an appointment.