4 Important Facts About Glaucoma That You Need to Know
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that can cause vision loss and blindness by damaging a nerve in the back of your eye called the optic nerve. Affecting more than 2.7 million Americans aged 40 and older, this condition is important to understand. Here’s a look at four facts about glaucoma that everyone should know.
1. Half the people who live with glaucoma don’t know they have it.
Initially, glaucoma doesn’t come with any symptoms. Because of this, as much as half of the people living with it aren’t even aware they have it. Over time, though, patients will lose their peripheral vision and develop blind spots. Such vision loss can still be hard to notice, since it happens so gradually.
2. It’s a leading cause of blindness in people over age 60.The reason that the lack of noticeable symptoms can be so frightening is because many patients with glaucoma don’t feel a need to go to the eye doctor. If left untreated, glaucoma can - and does - lead to blindness.
3. Regular eye exams are the best defense.Fortunately, annual eye exams can lead to early detection. Comprehensive eye exams are key to glaucoma screening, which includes dilating your pupils so your doctor can examine your optic nerve. If you don’t like to have your eyes dilated with drops, we have other options (like optic nerve and retinal imaging equipment) that can achieve the same results.
4. There are numerous treatment options.If you do learn that you have glaucoma, your doctor may recommend prescription eye drops, laser treatments, medication injections, surgery or a combination of multiple modalities. To truly find the right treatment for the patient, it is best to refer to a glaucoma specialist, as they are trained in specialized techniques that have proven to be very effective in treating the disease. Fortunately, today’s technological advancements help minimize the burden of this disease and prevent the loss of sight.
Contact us today to ask about scheduling an eye exam.