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4 Things to Consider When Choosing a LASIK Surgeon

When you’ve made the important decision to move forward with LASIK eye surgery, you’ve likely done your due diligence about the procedure. You understand the mechanics of the surgery, its safety record and the details of recovery time. You’re comfortable with the nuts and bolts of what to expect. But then the time comes to actually choose your LASIK doctor. As you search online, you’re bombarded with seemingly endless options. How do you choose the right one? Here are four important factors to keep in mind as you narrow down the search.

Research the Surgeon

When considering a LASIK surgeon, look for someone with training and experience.  Surgeons who have additional fellowship training for corneal procedures are optimal as LASIK is a procedure that reshapes the cornea. Additionally ask how many procedures the surgeon has performed to better understand their experience level.  Finally, it is always good if the doctor has been referred by a friend who has already had a great experience!

Consider the Context

If you’ve heard great things about a particular LASIK surgeon, that’s a positive first step. But before getting sold on the doctor alone, make sure you thoroughly research their LASIK center as well. Even if a surgeon has numerous accolades and has performed hundreds of procedures, that doesn’t mean that their center is flawless too. Dig into the other doctors at the center (as one of them may step in if your doctor of choice gets sick the day of your procedure), the financing plans they offer and any complaints (or praise) they have received.

And when you go to the LASIK center for a consultation, pay attention to the friendliness of the staff, the cleanliness of the building and anything else that could inform you about whether it’s the best center for you. If it meets all this criterion and has a surgeon you’re excited about, that’s great.

Temperament Matters

If you think you’ve found your ideal LASIK doctor, try to keep an open mind. Even if they look good “on paper,” it’s important to find out whether or not their personality works with yours. They don’t have to be funny or charming, but they should be a calming presence. On the day of the procedure, you’re likely to have some pre-surgery jitters and you want to know this person is someone who can put your nerves to rest. Also, pay attention to how the surgeon makes you feel in your initial consultation. Do they take time to talk with you, or do they make you feel rushed? Are they happy to answer all your questions, or do they make you feel silly for asking them? An ideal LASIK surgeon is one who is qualified, experienced and caring. Remember that, as you meet with your potential choices.

Is the Price Right?

Even if you’re thrilled with the surgeon you’ve chosen and highly satisfied with the LASIK center too, don’t forget to figure out the financial aspect before making a commitment. The price should be fair, neither too inflated (as this could mean they’re taking advantage of patients) nor too low (as this could be a sign of subpar quality). You’ll also want to find out about the financing possibilities, since many people aren’t able to pay cash upfront. If the procedure is affordable and the LASIK center is willing to work with you on payments that meet your budget and timing, then you just may have found the right place.

Even though LASIK surgery is a pretty painless surgery, it is still surgery at the end of the day. Selecting the right LASIK surgeon is important so you should take your time and do your due diligence to find the one that is right for you.