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Are You and Your Child Seeing Eye to Eye? Signs of Vision Problems in Children

When it comes to poor vision in children, it’s often not as apparent as it is with an adult. Unlike an adult, they may not have a baseline knowledge of vision or the ability to express it. As a parent, you may not be sure when it’s time to bring your child to the eye doctor. If you see any of these eight problems.

  1. They place objects closer to their faces

Children compensate for poor vision by simply putting themselves nearer to the object. A large TV can comfortably be viewed from 5-7 feet away. A book should be held one foot or more away and at a proper angle. Any closer than these distances and that may signal an issue.

  1. Frequent eye rubbing

Eye exhaustion takes its toll on children with poor vision. Eye fatigue is often expressed as rubbing or closing the eyes to allow them to rest from straining.

  1. Losing pace while reading or using a finger to guide eyes when reading

Without the proper ability to focus, a child may struggle to follow text while reading. Using their fingers, bookmarks, or other place keepers may signal that they are relying on the tool to keep track of where they are.

  1. Sensitivity to light and/or excessive tearing

While many people squint during transitions from light to dark, children with vision issues will often express discomfort at the amount of light or appear to be crying. This dramatic reaction is an important signal to see an eye doctor immediately.

  1. Closing one eye to read or watch TV

Vision problems in children may not be exhibited equally. When a child favors one eye, this may be because that eye is stronger and more capable, and not necessarily playing pirates.

  1. Receiving lower grades than usual

Often, vision problems don't occur overnight. Grades can be a good indication of this.  If a child's grades start slipping but they don't appear to be struggling with work, they may simply not be seeing what the teacher has written on the blackboard and are unable to correctly copy the assignment.

  1. They avoid using a computer because it hurts their eyes

Many parents would be delighted with less screen time. However, if your child expresses it's because of eye fatigue or pain it's a signal that a vision problem is at work, not a lack of interest.

  1. Squinting or tilting their head to see the class board better

Propped in a cute position for a photo, a head tilt is adorable. In the classroom, along with squinting, it is a compensation technique to make up for poor vision. Observing your child posing in this way can mean it's time to see an eye doctor.

We know it can be stressful to know if your child has vision problems. Contact us today to ask about our exams or schedule an appointment with one of our friendly doctors.