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Contacts vs. LASIK: Which Comes out on Top?

Most people who are contact lens wearers have thought about the advantages and disadvantages of wearing contact lenses at one point or another. And along with that, many of them have considered LASIK laser eye surgery. If you find yourself in the same boat, you might be wondering what some of the main differences between contacts and LASIK, so you can make the most informed decision. Here’s our take.

1) Cost: More Money Over Time, or Less Money Upfront

When you wear contacts, you come in to see your eye doctor every year for an exam. You pay to have your eyesight and eye health checked, as well as to have your contact lens prescription and fit evaluated. Then, on top of this, you pay for another batch of lenses to get you through the next year. You may even need to buy prescription eye drops if you have an eye problem that is exacerbated by contact lens wear (like allergies or dry eyes), and then of course you’ll need to buy cleaning solution and possibly storage solution for your contacts as well. This all adds up heavily, oftentimes ranging between $500 to $1,000 in one fell swoop.

When you get LASIK laser eye surgery, it’s more money all at one time. But you do it once and if you come to our LASIK center, your follow-up visits for a full year after surgery are included in what you’ve already paid. The price tag may seem steep to many people, but when you add up the total cost you pay for LASIK and compare it to what you pay for contact lenses over the years, LASIK actually ends up saving you money in the long run. In fact, one study showed that typical patients who got LASIK in their 30s saved approximately $13,000-$17,000 compared to paying for contact lenses through the years.

2) Lifestyle: Daily Hassle, or One-Time Inconvenience 

When you look at the process of getting LASIK vs. wearing contacts every day, it might seem like surgery is a major deal. And, with any procedure, there are risks to LASIK that you should understand. But, laser eye surgery happens to be one of the safest surgeries around, with a very short recovery time. Most patients are pretty much back to normal within two to three days of having the procedure, and almost all are fully recovered within two weeks.

Wearing contacts might seem like an easier option, but it’s something that must be done every single day. Of course, you can swap out your contacts and wear glasses for a day, but either way you’ll require some sort of vision correction from the time you wake up until you go to sleep. So when it comes to considering contacts vs. LASIK, you have to decide whether you want a one-time inconvenience or a daily hassle. 

3) Eyesight: Better Vision with Aid, or Better Vision in your Own Eyes

And finally, there’s the matter of eye care to keep in mind. On the one hand, your actual vision is positively changed when you get LASIK. You’ll see better, without the help of glasses or contacts, and it’s meant to last for a lifetime. Contacts, on the other hand, only offer visual improvement when they’re on your eyes. Furthermore, a recent study showed that those who had LASIK had fewer vision problems with night driving after the procedure. The same study revealed that 96 percent of people surveyed believed that LASIK was better for them than wearing contacts was.

Based on our experience, and all the patients we’ve seen over the years, we think LASIK wins in numerous regards over contact lenses. Contacts are great as a temporary solution, but LASIK is a permanent fix. So, which will you choose for your vision correction? Contact us to schedule an eye exam or a LASIK evaluation.