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Horizon Hosts Continuing Education for Phoenix Optometrists

Within the eye care community, Horizon Eye Specialists and LASIK Center is known as an industry leader in both surgery and technology, as well as, a provider of excellent patient care. It is because of this trust and belief in our abilities, doctors throughout the Phoenix metro area (and the state of Arizona) refer their own patients to Horizon Eye Specialists for surgical consultation and advanced medical care. These referring doctors include other ophthalmologists and optometrists, but also primary care providers, internists, neurologists and other medical sub-specialists.

In addition to providing their patients with excellence in care, the doctors of Horizon Eye Specialists routinely provide evening continuing education lecture events for these referring doctors. The evening is an outstanding way for referring doctors to obtain much needed continuing education credits required to maintain an Arizona license. But more than that, it provides them with education on the most current surgical technology, medical treatments and diagnostic skills, all of which are the highest priority at Horizon Eye Specialists. Oftentimes, the lectures given are about surgical and medical advancements first performed in Arizona by the doctors of Horizon Eye Specialists.

One such event took place on June 21st, 2018 as shown in the below video. This free physician community event was well attended by approximately 100 local eye doctors and lectures were given by Drs. McCulloch, Levin, Kovacik and Duncan, with Dr. Rockwell serving as M.C. Topics included: An Update on Corneal Collagen Crosslinking, Recent Advancements in Cataract Surgery, New Options in Cataract Surgery, and Updates on Endothelial Keratoplasty (an advanced corneal procedure). If you are interested in attending a future continuing education event, please contact us.