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Keep Your Eyes Healthy This Winter

If you’ve been a regular at your optometrist’s office over the years, and wear contact lenses or glasses, you’re probably pretty familiar with eye care best practices. Wash your hands if you need to touch your eyes. Take out your contacts every night. Use allergy drops if your eyes get irritated in certain high-allergen seasons. See your eye doctor at least once per year. The list goes on… but did you know that your eye health requires some additional attention in the colder months of the year? It’s true. Here are some winter health tips for you, so you can keep your eyes in great shape all year long. 

Seasonal Care Outdoors

Winter is not usually associated with sunshine, but don’t let that cause you to forget your favorite pair of UV-protective sunglasses when you head outside. The sun is still around, and UV rays are still reaching you even on cloudy days. If you don’t have a high-quality pair of shades that protect you from harmful UV rays, invest in one as soon as possible. Also, consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat on days you’ll be outside for longer periods, so you can really shield your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun. 

Are you an avid skier or snowboarder? Be sure to take extra care of your eyes when you hit the slopes. Wear goggles, and make sure they offer UV protection. If not, make sure you get goggles that leave enough room for sunglasses underneath them. Even if it’s not a sunny day, goggles can protect your eyes from the UV rays that are still present, as well as debris, ice and possible sources of injury.

Direct & Indirect Hydration

Winter is well-known for being a dry season, and this can really make things uncomfortable for your eyes. If you find your well-heated house to cause dryness in your eyes, use eye drops or artificial tears as instructed by a doctor to provide relief. A little boost in direct hydration can go a long way.

Also, consider adding moisture directly to the air you’re breathing indoors. A cold-mist humidifier can be a great way to boost your overall health, and keep your eyes better lubricated this time of year.

These are the best winter health tips we have when it comes to your eye health. Have any more questions about eye care this time of year? Contact us anytime, or schedule a consultation.