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New Year, New Eyes: Why Your Vision Deserves Top Billing On Your List Of Resolutions

Even if people like to say that New Year’s resolutions don’t stick, there’s no denying that plenty of others are just as enthusiastic about giving them a go. But whether you’re big on setting goals once the calendar hits January 1st or not, there’s one type that’s especially valuable: health and wellness New Year’s resolutions. In particular, you’ll never regret committing to keep your eyes healthy and vision in tip-top shape for the coming year. Here are a few ways.

Schedule Your Eye Exams

We always tell patients that a yearly eye exam is one of the best ways they can stay on top of their eye health, and the American Optometric Association agrees. Their recently updated guidance states: “We recommended comprehensive eye and vision examinations annually for people 18 to 39 years of age to optimize visual function, evaluate eye changes and provide for the earlier detection of sight-threatening eye and systemic health conditions.”

Get That LASIK Evaluation

In addition to keeping your eyes healthy, isn’t it time to put your vision first? If you’ve been putting off the idea of LASIK or another type of laser eye surgery, the New Year is a great time to give it the consideration it deserves. Not only can LASIK give you crystal clear eyesight without the need for glasses or contacts, but it can also improve the quality of your life.

Wondering how to afford LASIK eye surgery? Check out this resource (or many others) on our blog.

Prioritize Nutrition

Finally, as you make plans to follow through on health and wellness New Year’s resolutions this coming year, ensure that nutrition is a part of them. Eating healthy food can give you energy, prevent disease and boost your eye health. Now is the best time to start putting your body and health first.


Ready to book your annual eye exam or LASIK consultation? Request an appointment online!