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Poor Vision Symptoms to Watch For in Your Children

Most school age children are not thinking about “signs I need glasses,” which is why it’s very important that parents take note of poor vision symptoms. While many schools and pediatricians conduct an annual eyesight test, parents can also watch for indications of vision problems outside of formal tests. Here’s what to keep an eye on, particularly when it comes to young children.

1. Frequent Headaches

Eye strain and corresponding headaches can also be caused by prolonged use of devices or other activities that require focused, long-term attention from the eyes. So if a child complains of a headache, first consider their screen time and what they were doing with their eyes prior to reporting the headache.

If they weren’t spending an especially long time focused on something, screen or otherwise, headaches could be a sign that they have poor vision. This is because, when eyesight is not up to par, a person will often compensate in one way or another. This can lead to eye strain - and headaches. Consider frequent headaches to be a strong signal it’s time to take your child in for a proper eye exam.


Children in particular are notorious for being extremely expressive, which includes contorting their faces when they can’t see adequately. So, if your son or daughter squinches up their face or squints their eyes when reading or viewing something on the television, it might be a sign their vision isn’t where it should be. If your child excessively touches or rubs their eyes, or moves the lids around, this can also be a sign that they’re trying to make their vision clearer. Regular actions like this mean it’s time for an eye exam.

3.Trouble with Comprehension

When a young child struggles with a subject in school, parents often assume the material is difficult for them to understand. But, this isn’t always the case. If a child is near-sighted, they may have trouble seeing the board in their classroom and therefore grasping what they’re being taught.

If a child is far-sighted, they may struggle to read close up, which can make anything from reading a book to reading a question on a math test vastly more challenging for them. Before jumping to the conclusion that your child simply needs help in a particular subject area, get them an eye exam. Vision correction may be all they need to solve this problem.

Is your child showing any of these poor vision symptoms? If so, it’s time to bring them in for an eye exam. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!