When You Can Use Your Computer After LASIK
Maybe you’ve heard that most LASIK patients can get back to work the next day after the procedure. But what if your work involves a lot of computer usage? You might be wondering how screen time after eye surgery may affect the healing process, or if there’s anything you should know about LASIK and computer use. So, here are a few key points to keep in mind during your LASIK recovery period.
1. Limit all screens the first week.
In a perfect world, there should be no screen time at all for one to two days after your laser eye surgery. You may have to use your phone to coordinate important things like childcare or a grocery drop-off, but try to be brief and use calling over texting so your eyes can have a real break. If you can, schedule your LASIK appointment on a Friday so you don’t have to do any work over the weekend and can truly stay off your computer, too.
After those first two days, you’re still not out of the woods completely. When you’re on devices, your blinking pattern slows down so your eyes don’t get the moisture they typically would. So, it’s best to limit your screen time as much as you can that first week.
2. Keep your eyes moisturized.
Piggybacking off the point above, it’s imperative to keep your eyes lubricated in the month after eye surgery. Use the eye drops your doctor gave you, and use them as directed (which should be frequently). This will help keep your eyes from getting dried out, so they can have an easier time healing.
3. Rest up.
Sleep is helpful in healing your body from illness, but it’s also a big deal when it comes to giving your eyes a rest and allowing them to heal after something like LASIK. Make sure you avoid using the computer at night after you’ve had the procedure because it can interfere with your ability to fall asleep - and stay asleep. Turn off the devices at least two hours before bed, and make sure to turn in early so you get as much rest as possible.
Once your eyes are on a good path toward healing during the first days of your LASIK recovery, you won’t harm them by looking at your computer or other screens. But, doing so can make them excessively dry, so it’s important to limit usage especially in the first week. Also, make sure to keep your eyes hydrated and get maximum sleep.
Please contact us anytime if you have any other questions about LASIK and computer use, or if you’d like to schedule a LASIK consultation.