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Why You Should Invest in Your Vision in 2019

The new year is almost upon us, and if you’re like most people, you’re ready to set some resolutions. But even if you’re not a fan of resolutions, the start of a new year is always a good time to set goals and intentions. So, what’s on your list for 2019? What do you want to improve or change in order to get you a better quality of life? 

Take Care of your Eyes in 2019

A lot of our patients and friends have mentioned that they want to prioritize self-care in the new year, and we love that! Putting yourself and your health, well-being and happiness first will always pay off. And as you might’ve suspected we would say, taking care of your eye health and vision should absolutely be part of that commitment to yourself.

Let’s think about LASIK, for example. If you’ve been hassling with glasses or contacts for years and always thinking of laser eye surgery as something you’d love to have “someday,” there’s no reason to delay. Isn’t it time to put it on your list of goals for the new year?

Consider the Benefits

Setting the intention to get laser eye surgery before 2019 even starts is a great idea for many reasons. First of all, the benefits of LASIK reach far and wide. Not only is it one of the safest, most successful forms of eye surgery available, but it also promises clear vision without glasses or contacts. The recovery is quick, too, and the benefits are plenty.

Secondly, many people are worried about the costs of LASIK. But when you do the math over time, getting laser eye surgery will actually end up saving you money in the long-term. If you start planning the procedure before 2019 is even underway, you can save up and have ample time to figure out the most ideal financing and timing for you.

Decide Based on Differentiators

So if you’re sold on making the coming year your year for LASIK, what’s next? You need to decide on the right eye clinic, of course. The benefits of LASIK are only as good as the eye surgeon who performs the surgery, so your top priority should be finding the right one. 

At Horizon, our doctors are all board certified, and both our LASIK surgeons are actually corneal specialists known for leading the field. You’ll get warm, knowledgeable staff, and experienced, first-class surgeons when you come to Horizon to plan your laser eye surgery. In fact, we’ve performed thousands of successful LASIK procedures, so you can rest assured your eyes will be in the right hands.

Any questions? Please contact us any time, and get excited to finally make this part of your self-care a reality in 2019.