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How Does LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Work?

Are you frustrated every day by your nearsightedness or farsightedness? Are you over the hassle of putting in contacts each morning or trying to remember where you put your glasses? If this all hits home for you, you might want to consider LASIK laser eye surgery. Of course, there are more things that factor into whether you’re a good candidate for LASIK or not, but most healthy people over the age of 21, who are not pregnant or nursing, and have had a stable prescription for at least two years are eligible for the procedure. So if you think that sounds like you, what’s the next step? And how does the process actually work?

In-Depth Consultation with an Eye Doctor

The first step to take when you think you might be a fit for LASIK eye surgery is to schedule a consultation with your eye doctor. If you haven’t had a full eye exam in the last year, now is a good time to go through the full examination and testing. Your doctor will want to make sure your eyes are in good health before making recommendations about LASIK. After an exam, you’ll want a consultation specifically around your candidacy for laser eye surgery. Your eye doctor will be able to talk about any concerns or risks with you, as well as different LASIK options and recovery time. Then, once you’ve decided on your best laser eye surgery option, the next step is the procedure itself.

Inside the Procedure

LASIK eye surgery is all about your cornea. First, a surgeon creates a flap in this part of your eye and then reshapes the cornea. The shape of the cornea can either make your vision farsighted or nearsighted, so altering this shape can be all that’s needed in order to correct either issue. Your eye surgeon will use a laser in order to make the corneal flap. Then, they will use an excimer laser to do the reshaping of the cornea. Based on measurements of your corneal topography, your eye doctor will remove microscopic cells under the flap they’ve created and then put the flap back in place. It usually takes between 15-20 minutes for the procedure.

The recovery from LASIK laser eye surgery is typically quick, with most of a patient’s vision restored within a couple days and almost entirely within a week or two. Your eyes will still be healing for two to three months afterward, however you’re likely not to notice it. The procedure is quick and the recovery time is nominal. So if you’re looking to achieve 20/20 vision, as many individuals do through laser eye surgery, LASIK might be your best course of action. Contact us today to ask about our exams or a LASIK consultation.