Questions You Need to Ask Before Getting LASIK Surgery
Perhaps you’ve heard about LASIK surgery because you have a friend who has gone through the...
Perhaps you’ve heard about LASIK surgery because you have a friend who has gone through the...
Life can sometimes feel like you’re living in the future; there’s a pill for this, an app for that,...
When you’ve made the important decision to move forward with LASIK eye surgery, you’ve likely done...
Millions of Americans have undergone LASIK surgery since its introduction in the United States more...
Finding a reason to want LASIK eye surgery isn’t hard… maybe you want to ditch your glasses in time...
Many people believe that LASIK eye surgery somehow prevents the need for cataract surgery in the...
It’s pretty common today to meet someone who has had LASIK eye surgery. It wasn’t too long ago that...
If you wear glasses or contacts, you likely have thought about LASIK surgery at one point or...
One can barely get the oil changed in their car in the time it takes to have LASIK eye surgery. One...
Success Rate of LASIK
Intralase Lasik procedure (also called “iLasik”) is considered among the most advanced LASIK...
Dr. Robert McCulloch was the first Lasik surgeon in the Phoenix, Arizona area to perform...